Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Father's last name "Yadav" and son's "Adhikari"

 Any foreign national of full age and capacity may submit an application to obtain Nepali citizenship if:
  • He can speak and write in the national language of Nepali.
  • He is engaged in any occupation in Nepal.
  • He has relinquished his citizenship of another state.
  • He has resided in Nepal for at least 15 years.
  • He is a citizen of a country where there is legal provision or a custom to provide naturalized citizenship to Nepali nationals: and
  • He is of good conduct and character.[7]
A woman who is married to a Nepali citizen may submit an application to become a citizen of Nepal. She shall enclose along with such application evidence of her marriage to a Nepali national, and of having initiated action to relinquish her foreign citizenship.
Any person who is the son, daughter or descendant of any Nepali national may apply to obtain the citizenship of Nepal if:
  • He can speak and write in the national language of Nepal;
  • He has relinquished the citizenship of another state;
  • He has been residing in Nepal for the past two years with the intention of residing in Nepal permanently; and
  • He is virtuous, of good conduct and character.


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