Senior leader Hridayesh Tripathi was born on June 18, 1959 in Guneparseni-3 of Kathahawa. He is the son of Hari Shankar and Kunti Devi Tripathi. A graduate in political science from the Institute of Oriental Science, Russia, Tripathi plunged into politics by joining the leftist movement in 1974. He is a clever player of the politics who practically enjoyed his existence in as many political parties as he can. His modest beginning in politics was from the Communist Party led by Keshar Jung Rayamajhi. He was with the Nepal Sadbhavana Party (Anandidevi), before he and Mahanta Thakur of the Nepali Congress broke away to form the Terai Madhes Democratic Party (TMDP) in the wake of the Madhes Andolan. He represented Nepal Sadbhavana Party (Anandidevi) in the dissolved House of Representatives. In the first Constituent Assembly Election of 2008, he received 10,029 votes from Nawalparasi-6, defeating his closest rival NC’s Debkaran Kalawar . Kalawar received 9,856 votes while another opponent UCPN-Maoist’s Rahit Prasad Kewat received 5,749 votes. Former vice chairman of TMDP and former deputy leader of parliamentary party, Tripathi was assigned with various portfolio of the cabinet in different time period. His political career includes two year underground life, 8 month exile and 21 month political prison.