Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Have you ever seen animal like this before?

On the subject of hens a boy writes:"Hens is curious animals. They don'thave no nose, nor no teeth, nor no ears.They swallow their wittles whole andchew it up in their crops inside of 'em.The outside of hens is generally put in-ter pillers and inter feather dusters. Theinside of a hen is sometimes filled withmarbles and shirt buttons and such. Ahen is very much smaller than a goodmany other animals, but they'll dig upmore cabbage plants than anything thatain't a hen. Hens is very useful to layeggs for plum puddings. Skinny Bateseat so much plum pudding once that itsent him inter the collery. Hens has gotwings and can fly when they get scart.I cut Uncle William's hen's head offwith a hatchet, and it scart her to death.Hens sometimes make very fine springchickens."—Australian Poultry and  Dog Gazette.


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