Thursday, January 21, 2016

Nepali prank video, watch and make you feel happy

Pra^nk videos are the most common and entertaining videos on the internet now a days. With millions of pr*ank videos on the internet they are becoming a hu^ge craze. There are many types of pra*nk and are ser!0u$ly fun to watch. it is a common human nature to see another person in p@!n or tr0ub^le.epalse are also doing a great job on prancing videos. There are many Nepali YouTube channel that upload many prank videos. They are not only funny but since they are so relate able it gets more interesting and fun.
This is a pra^nk video uploaded by Pra6nkster Revival. The pr*ank channel is very popular and has almost 10 thousand subscribers. The title of the video us ‘You are steal^ing my bike prank’. In the video group of pranksters team up to fool people. A person sits next to a bike and asks people to move the bike since he has a br0^ken hand. The people too help him. But the guy runs away and the real owner of the bike or another prankster comes up. He acts angry and asks them why they were touching his bike. The bike that is shown in the video is quiet rare and expensive so he even asks him if he knows how much the bike costs and accuses the people of trying to steal his bike.
Majority of them fall fir the trick and get really tensed. They apologize and try to explain the situation but the guy forces them and even threatens them that he will call the police. The video is really funny. Many people get really sc@^red and ashamed to be sc0^lded in public like that. But the prankster on the other hand does a very good job. The video is a very epic prank.


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