Tuesday, January 26, 2016

No Lawmakers in Legislature Parliament

>Speaker Onsari Gharti gave time to lawmaker of the Federal Socialist Forum Nepal, Dr Shivaji Yadav, to speak after the lawmakers protested the meeting by standing at their own seats. On the occasion, Yadav said that the first amendment of the new constitution could not meet the demands of the Tarai-Madhes. He said that the first amendment of the new constitution would not be acceptable to them. Expressing the view that the constitution amendment could not address the Madhes demands, Yadav said that the three major political are not responsible to the problems facing by the country. He further said that Federal Socialist Forum Nepal, Tarai-Madhes Loktantrik Party, Tarai Madhes Sadbhawana Party, Tharuhat Tarai Party, among others would boycott today’s House proceedings. RSSLawmakers representing from Tarai-Madhes-based parties have boycotted today’s meeting of the Legislature-Parliament, expressing dissatisfaction over first amendment of the new constitution.


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