| 6:58 AM
Bringing de@d heart back to life
Scientists of University of Minnesota have perfected a new technique. They are now able to reanimate a dead heart. It means that they can now bring a dead heart back to life. They use some machines and pumps that make the heart work again. The scientists are hoping to gain a remarkable insight into its function by studying a visible beating heart.
In the video uploaded on YouTube by BBC Professor Paul Laizzo shows a demonstration of the technique. He uses a pig’s heart to show the demo because pigs heart is the most similar to a human heart. In the video he first takes out the heart from a pig as if he is about to transplant it and later he kills the heart by putting it inside a kind of solution. Later he again attaches some pines to the hearts and injects a fluid into it. The heart slowly starts to react and have small contractions. Later he shocks the heart which makes it move in seconds. At the beginning the heart moves in a very asymmetric way but after a few minutes the heart finds it pace and starts to beat normally.
Later he puts some cameras into the heart. Now he is able to see all the interiors of the heart while it is still moving. This might help doctors to reuse the heart again by adding many kinds of machines in the heart and not wasting it.