Daughter saw her father with another lady in bush on Valentine Day
Daughter saw her father with another lady in bush on Valentine Day

hat’s the worst date you’ve ever been on? I wouldn’t be surprised if, as you look back through your memory, it happened around this time of some year, when there is an almost explicit expectation to feel and express a societally recognized version of romantic love.Mine was Valentine’s Day of 1996. I had been in a relationship with a woman I’ll call Carly for six months or so. It was monogamous and regular; we slept together at one or the other of our apartments every night. But Carly and I had recently gone through the unpleasant experience of having one person in a romantic relationship say the phrase “I love you” at an earlier point in the relationship than the other person was comfortable responding in kind.It happened in her bed. We had been there all morning, into early afternoon, on a sunny weekend day. An easy breeze was billowing the gauzy white curtains. Everything was beautiful. And then she met my eyes with her eyes, and her voice got low and throaty. Three short words.