Saturday, February 27, 2016

Everyone should watch this short movie, the relation between husband and wife

New Nepali Short Movie ” CHOKHO MAYA”
Story/Direction/Editing : Bishnu Bhattarai
Artist : Krishna Babu/Shital Sharma/Sabin Baral
Make Up : Sagun Sharma
Post Production : Abiral Films (P).Ltd
Its one of the best short film which is fully entertaining (funny, comedy) and educational. Which wants to show the real love in couple.When we start to laugh it not only shared our feelings but it also connects people together and makes people happiness. Laughing reduce your pain, strengthen our immune system relaxes your body. Laughing with others is more powerful than laughing alone. You can laugh by viewing this video. When you laugh one time at a day by producing big sound it makes your mind fresh and you will be healthier.


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