Monday, February 1, 2016

ISIS World’s Richest Terr^*r Organizations”

In this video we can hear about the world’s richest terr^or!$t organization. Who are the richest terr^or!$tt and how much they earn, you can see in this video below.
Forbes published the world’s ten richest terr^or!$t organization. Here according to Forbes ISIS is the number one terrorist organizations, according to Forbes their yearly income is 2 Arab American Dollar. And similarly the terr^or!$t of Palestine Gaza, Jordan Hamas are known as world’s second richest terr^or!$t, their income is about 1 Arab American Dollar. In third terr^or!$t has kept FARC, they are the terr^or!$t of Colombia, they earn about 60 core American Dollar. Hizbullah is kept in the fourth richest and their yearly income is 50 crore American Dollar. Taliban is known as the fifth riches terrorist, their income is about 40 crore American Dollar.
Similarly Al-qaeda is known as sixth richest terr^or!$t organizations and their income is about 15 crore American Dollar and in seventh number Naskoh Atoiba earns about ten crore American Dollar. Al- Shabaab falls in the eight richest terr^or!$t organizations and it earns about 7 crore American dollar. IRA is kept on the number 9th by Forbes and it earns about 5 crore terr^or!$ organization and it earns 2 crore American dollar per year.
In this video we can hear about their ways in earning this amount.


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