Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Job Vacancy in Baharain

The new job heads on drivers and security guards announces by AL RAYAH FOR SAFETY ITEMS WLL., BAHARAIN through its agent company in Nepal called SAB International Human Resources Private Limited, Baluwakhani Road Basundhara, Kathmandu. This job vacancy announcement is published on 21 Magh, 2072 (4 February, 2016) on Kantipur National Daily newspaper. The willing candidates must have the height of more than 5.3″ and between the age of 22 to 45 years old. They must know the English language properly. The previous interview for this job is held on present day and the final interview will on 23 and 24 Magh, 2072 (6 and 7 February, 2016) by the representative of the company in Kathmandu. These type of job are FREE VISA FREE TICKET type of job. See the further information related to this job below.
Job HeadNo. Of WorkersSalary (BD)Salary (NPR)Working HoursWorking DaysOver TimeLodging and Food FacilitiesVacationWorking Years
Security Guard5012034,5608 Hours/ day6 Days/ weekCompany RulesYesCompany Rules2 Years
Light Drivers1515043,2008 Hours/ day6 Days/ weekCompany RulesYesCompany Rules2 Years


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