Bollywood actress Manisha Koirala, along with the Embassy of Nepal in New Delhi, will be hosting a tea reception for Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli when the latter arrives in Mumbai on Wednesday. High profile Bollywood celebrities like Jackie Shroff and Subhash Ghai will participate in the program. Besides Bollywood celebrities, renowned names from various walks of life will attend by known names from various walks of life. PM Oli is scheduled to visit Mumbai on Wednesday, the last day of his India visit. During his stay in Mumbai, the PM will also meet the governor of the Indian state of Maharashtra. He will return to Nepal from Mumbai the same day. Manisha Koirala is the granddaughter of Bishweshwar Prasad Koirala, the first elected PM of Nepal. Oli had embarked on a six-day visit to India on Friday at the invitation of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.