| 6:03 PM
Movie Nia Nabhannu La 4 video clips released
Vikas Acharya-made film "Barber nabhannula 4ko trailer has been made public. Like the first sikvelabatai nabhannulako fourth sequel to the viewer audience vikasale from ruhaumdai ruhaune shows almost sure looked Public trailer. 'Barber nabhannula 4ko sarvajani grin after his trailer and lots of tears has been presented. Trawlers in the capital on Monday, the movie has been made public.
Trailer and a song in the program, the director of public development Acharya, artists Saroj Khanal, Priyanka Karki, experience Regmi, Paul Shah, rain Raut, Aanchal Sharma were present. Speaking at the same heroine Karki 3 years, constantly expressed her pleasure to work with projects. He had a beautiful experience while working in film prize.
This movie debut if he were about to run a modal moment of surprise film to be said Shah. He had been very difficult to accept some of the music video movie playing are now working for many filters.
Acharya said the program director of development failing to speak namandai hasae journalists took. Earlier, the Aryan hero sigdelasamga life and work of The Supreme Court, saying that the development of both the hero Miss Aryan sigdelasamga work soon to be checked. This time the film was very difficult experience Acharya said Regmi cry.
April 26 will be released from the film "L'4ko like to tell the public the trailer a cinematic experience Regmi the main artist, Priyanka Karki, Paul Shah, rain Raut, acala Sharma, Saroj Khanal has been presented. This film Marichman best, Shishir Bhandari, floral Acharya and other artists are also visible. The film is directed by Vikas Acharya and Dinesh Bhandari Haribol Pokharel investment is purusottama High cinematography, direction kaviraj Gahatraj dance, spring Sapkota, the music in this movie is samipyaraja arguably the screenplay and dialogue.