Friday, March 4, 2016

Congress convention,: barley 15 goat and a ton of fish and chicken for single time meal

General partner 31 hundred and 82 representative .Barley 15 for a goat, five hundred kilos of fish, five hundred kg chicken, 20 quintals of vegetables, five hundred kilograms of rice has been cooked.

Nine thousand for the resumption Desert raspberry and yogurt consumption is 6 liters. Food, taken over Dibyeshwori party pyalesale Xinhua news Naya Patrika.

Mesako convention Menu
In the morning from 7 to 9 pm Breakfast: a boiled egg, whole-V, Jerry, tea or coffee in the law. Breakfast daily is different. Syandavija, porridge and cholabhatura one-day master kept safe Gopal Singh said.

Mid-12 from 2 pm and 6 pm to 9 pm for the evening meal and a half
Food nanabheja: three kinds of meat (goat, poultry and fish) is. Send flashpoints, vegetables, pulses, rice, naan bread, dessert and salad too. 'Halal' meat has been.

Food send: send food to a separate law. Machamasubaheka vegetables added two more to send. Any symptoms for patients is also a separate food law.
