Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Interview with Archana Paneru and her Mother Sunita

Archana Paneru a young girl of 17 years old carrying a different aim that is not accepted by the society. She wants to be like Sunny Leone who is the Indian porn actress but now she is into film leaving the p****orn movies. Archana Paneru post the n***u%de pictures on the different website and now due to this she is becoming so popular this days. Here in this video too we can see the interview between Archana and her mother Sunita.
No family or mother supports doing such activities but Sunita supports her and she clicks the n%**ude photograph of her own daughter. Here in this video too she is been asked many question and he too said that he will be doing the Nepali Music Video as long as she stays on Nepal. She already had done 5 music videos and short movie and she says that she is not be doing s****x but will be giving the n@k***ed photo shoot. She is been out from her schools and her society. No one supports her but she will not be losing the hop and she will give continuity to this aim. She and her mother told that she will be making s****x video with her husband in future. Here is a complete video of her interview.


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