Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Child got lost, please inform if anybody found

Saudi Arabia for foreign employment agencies have come to a Nepali car gift.

Tehrathun Ramesh Vishwakarma, 44 thousand 500 Saudi Real (about 33 million), the 2016 model Hyundai Ascent car gift of success.

Target customers by sending money to Saudi Nepal Laxmi Bank, Nepal Investment Bank and in collaboration with the City eksapresasamgako telimanile brought bumper car gift car won the erection of Vishwakarma.

Car Winner Bishwaarma Riyadh City Express managing director of a program at the moon tandanale was handed over. On the occasion, 10 people including Samsung Smart Mobile, 12 persons had been transferred to Lenovo tyabaletasameta.

The company brought the gift on the occasion of Tihar plan of the winners will be announced the winner.

Saudi Arabia sent money to give the car a gift -Meetings telimani is the first country manager for the telimanika said Jitendra conceded.

The Saudi central office of the telimanile past 11 years, Saudi Arabia Jubail, Riyadh, Al Qasim, jeddalagayataka city simpler and easier to send money to the service has been provided.
