| 6:34 PM
Country celebrating democracy day today
KATHMANDU, Across the various programs on Friday (today) 66th National Democracy Day is being celebrated. The provision of 2007 BS jahamniya, dictatorship and totalitarianism, free and democratic governance in the country launched the Rana regime in the day as an opportunity every year on February 7 Day manarindai democracy is aieko.
Democracy statue of a special program organized by the Nepal Army soldier platform, including the eviction has said the government and non-government and people also do anaphno place to celebrate democracy day.
Land 2007 years of democracy, republic, democracy and executing the failure to establish the achievements of the movement, even if they arrived to seek have become discouraged. Only democracy leader and pahumcavalaharuma, democracy and the republic has limited the common complaints from citizens.
For the establishment and development of democratic rule in 2007, the year's revolution, the people's movement of 2046 BS, 2062 ÷ 63 when the janaandolanasamma many martyrs are able to flourish. Those spared the dream and the assurance given by the people to retain the political level of failure to meet the people disappointed.
The government has given democracy rally on public holidays.